Category: FAQ
Jeżeli nie wiesz jaki filtr do oczyszczacza wybrać? Zastanawiasz się czym różni się filtr hepa od węglowego? Zobacz najczęściej zadawane pytania i dobierz odpowiedni filtr do oczyszczacza.
Why do pollen allergens?
The pollen season in Poland is in full swing, with deciduous trees such as birch, poplar, hazel and alder in bloom. Unfortunately, this is bad news especially for allergy sufferers, who have to contend with allergens for as long as the pollen season lasts. Plant pollen contains allergens that can cause sensitisation in people who […]
Which air filters to choose for recuperation systems?
Recuperation systems (ventilation systems with heat recovery) are becoming increasingly popular in new construction as they enable rooms to be ventilated efficiently with minimal energy consumption and provide clean and safe air for householders. One of the components of recuperation systems are air filters located in the ventilation duct. The process of filtering the air […]